• We specialize in taking good relationships and making them great! We provide proven tips and exercises to ignite and refuel the spark in passionate romance.

    We specialize in taking good relationships and making them great! We provide proven tips and exercises to ignite and refuel the spark in passionate romance.

    We specialize in taking good relationships and making them great! We provide proven tips and exercises to ignite and refuel the spark in passionate romance.

    We specialize in taking good relationships and making them great! We provide proven tips and exercises to ignite and refuel the spark in passionate romance.

    Don't Wait to Get the Help You Need


    Here at Connections, We realize that no two relationships are the same, and We tailor our consulting to meet your specific needs as a couple. We love helping people understand the things that are holding them back from experiencing pure romantic joy with an in-depth approach to igniting a new passion in your romantic relationship. Connect with us today and give our approach to rejuvenating your relationship a try.



    We tell ourselves that intimacy (and marriage) takes two people who are willing to work at it-but, unfortunately, we rarely have the slightest inkling of our "job" assignments in this project.

    -David Schnarch

    Our practice specializes in introducing couples to effective Communication skills, powerful Emotional awareness exercises and tips to enhance the Excitement in time spent together. In all, We teach you how to Connect, maybe for the first time, and reConnect, if you just want to recharge a once enjoyed passion. We are confident that we have the experience to help you rediscover what brings excitement to your relationship. Through playful exercises we will experience a spiritual infusion where the heart, mind and soul intertwine.

    It is never too late to begin and start enjoying the relationship that only you can create!

    If you’re interested in enjoying a happier, more fulfilled relationship, We’d love to work with you every step of the way in pursuing that creation.

    Please contact us today!

    Places to Get Started